See everything we are doing to help the community!

The Anwar Welfare Trust are a UK based registered charity that raises money to help poor people living in Bangladesh and other poor countries around the world enabling them to have a better quality of life.

The charity was registered in 2002 and became established as an international relief and development charity aimed to alleviate human suffering.


How will my money be spent?

Your money will be spent in areas of greatest need which are all listed below along with an approximate costing. Alternatively you could perhaps use our contact form to suggest areas where you would like your money to be spent.




Housing £100 House rebuild or repairs
Clean Water £150 Hand pump installation
Education £25 Supply teachers, books, pens, pencil
Medical Care £50 Surgery, Eye Tests, Medicine
Training £200 Provide cattle to farmers (minimum of 2)
Help to Build Lives £250 Provides 1 Rickshaw including permits and licenses.
Food £60 Provides a houselhold with basic food for a month
Clothing £200 Cost per monthly distribution

"Whoever saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind"

Quaran 5:32